Wednesday, April 24, 2013

UIU students clean Volga River

UIU students took to the Volga River at Klock's Island Park in Fayette. They were cleaning the river banks as part of UIU's annual Fayette Appreciation Day. Two kayakers pull a county sign post out of the river.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New tax credit for Iowa home buyers

 Mortgage Credit Certificates may provide Iowa home buyers with up to $2,000 in annual federal income tax credits 
(DES MOINES) – Gov. Branstad and Lt. Gov. Reynolds were accompanied by Iowa Finance Authority Executive Director Dave Jamison today to announce that eligible Iowans can now buy a home and reduce their federal income tax liability by up to $2,000 a year for the life of their mortgage. The Take Credit! Mortgage Credit Certificate program is available as of January 1, 2013 and approximately 1,000 Iowa home buyers may benefit from the program. The program is administered by the Iowa Finance Authority, (IFA). 
“Iowa home sales are currently up by more than twelve percent over 2011, according to the Iowa Association of Realtors and today’s announcement of another resource for Iowa home buyers supports an even greater uptick in home sales, and that is good news for Iowa,” said Branstad. “The Take Credit mortgage credit certificate program will provide an added incentive for Iowans to purchase a home, which leads to a healthy, stable economy and also provide Iowa families to keep more of their hard-earned income, income that would otherwise be spent on federal income taxes.” 
After an eligible homeowner has closed a mortgage loan with an IFA Take Credit! Participating Lender, IFA will issue the homeowner a mortgage credit certificate for pre-approved applicants. The homeowner in turn may apply the credit against their federal income tax liability on an annual basis for the life of their mortgage. The credit may be claimed on IRS Form 8396. 
“Through the program, fifty percent of eligible homeowners’ mortgage interest becomes a tax credit that can deduct dollar-for-dollar from federal income tax liability,” said Reynolds. “For example, a family with a $70,000 four percent fixed interest, thirty year mortgage would receive a tax credit of $1,388.78 in the first full year of homeownership. I encourage Iowans to look into this valuable resource provided by the Iowa Finance Authority.” 
Eligible home buyers must be approved for a mortgage and meet federal requirements, including income limits, maximum home sale price, limited prior homeownership interest and purchasing the home as a primary residence. More information including a Participating Lender list and eligibility quick check tool are available at